9.1 CamsGUI.ini

9.1.1 Capturing

  • archive_flag = 1 (1 = copy , 2 = move)
  • #detect_processes = 1 (depends on your PC and how many cameras you have, the higher the more dropped frames)
  • SunAngle = –8 (see FTP_CaptureDonglesAndDetect.exe)
  • PowerCamera = true (if your computer can control the power to your camera this is set to true, otherwise false). If =true then the start and end time of the capture session is shown.
  • CaptureProgram = FTP_CaptureDonglesAndDetect.exe (see section 7.3, which CaptureProgram you will use)
    • //CaptureProgram = FTP_CaptureFourAndDetect.exe
      • //cameralist = cam#1 cam#2 cam#3 cam#4 (if CaptureProgram = FTP_CaptureFourAndDetect then you have to fill in the camera numbers used separated by space)
    • //CaptureProgram = FTP_Capture8AndDetect.exe
      • //1st_Camera_number=385 (if CaptureProgram = FTP_Capture8AndDetect then you have to fill in the first camera number used other cameras are incremented)
    • //CaptureProgram = FTP_Capture16AndDetect.exe
      • //1st_Camera_number=cam#1 (if CaptureProgram = FTP_Capture16AndDetect then you have to fill in the first camera number used other cameras are incremented)

9.1.2 Calibration

  • minimumStarCount = 120
  • RobertMinimum = 60 (minimum number of reference stars when to quit calibration attempts).
  • O-C(arcmin) = 1

9.1.3 Confirmation

  • Confirmation=true (in the Benelux the operator confirms the meteors, if meteors are confirmed by human eyes, it is set true, else it is false)
  • ConfirmationProgram=CMN_binViewer.exe (to define your preferred confirmation program (FTP_Confirmation, CMN_binViewer). CMN_binViewer requires an adapted version which cannot be downloaded from the CMN site).

9.1.4 FreeSpace

  • days = 14 (giving you a warning when there isn’t enough space to capture 14 days in this example).
  • Ncameras: number of cameras to be taken into account to calculate the disk space needed.

9.1.5 Archiving

  • MaxDaysToKeep = 7 (when automated archiving, the last 7 days are not archived)
  • DeleteBinFiles = delete
    • // DeleteBinFiles – set to either delete or keep. A value of delete will cause the archiving tools to delete the *.bin files from the CapturedFiles directory to free up space.
  • ArchivePath_base = f:\cams16\CAMS
  • ArchivePath_Cal = f:\cams16\CAMS\Cal
  • ArchivePath_zip = f:\cams16\CAMS\archived_SubmissionFiles
  • ArchivePath_submitted = f:\cams16\CAMS\archived_Submitted
  • ArchivePath_transmitted = f:\cams16\CAMs\archived_Transmitted

9.1.6 FTP

  • Ask steve.rau at telenet be to get access
  • Ftppassword =
  • Ftpsite =
  • Ftpuser =
  • Ftpdir =
  • Include Bin Files from 23h, 00h and 01h local time in the uploaded zip
  • IncludeExtraBinFiles = true

9.1.7 Mail

  • Recipients.Address1=IT support email address
  • Recipients.Address2=coordinator1 email address
  • Recipients.Address3=coordinator2 email address
  • Recipients.Address4=own email address