Author: Robert Lunsford

Meteor Activity Outlook for 2-8 July 2016

During this period the moon reaches its new phase on Monday July 4th. At this time the moon will lie near the sun and will invisible at night. Toward the end of the period the waxing crescent moon will enter the evening sky but will be too thin and will set soon after the end of dusk to interfere with meteor observing.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 25 June-1 July 2016

During this period the moon reaches its last quarter phase on Monday June 27th. At this time the moon will lie 90 degrees west of the sun and will rise between midnight and 0100 local summer time for most sites located in mid-northern latitudes. The half-illuminated moon will interfere with meteor observing, but to a much lesser degree than when near its full phase. Toward the end of the period the waning crescent moon will rise during the late morning hours allowing allowing most of the night to be free of lunar glare.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 18-24 June 2016

During this period the moon reaches its full phase on Sunday June 19th. At this time the moon will lie opposite of the sun and will lie above the horizon all night long. Toward the end of the period the waning gibbous moon will rise during the late evening hours allowing a few hours of observing before the lunar glare begins to interfere with viewing.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 11-17 June 2016

During this period the moon reaches its first quarter phase on Saturday June 11th. At this time the half-illuminated moon will lie 90 degrees east of the sun and will set soon after midnight for most locations located at mid-northern latitudes. As the week progresses the window of opportunity for viewing meteors in dark skies decreases with each passing night. Toward the end of the period the nearly full moon will lie above the horizon nearly all night long, making meteor observations difficult.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 4-10 June 2016

During this period the moon reaches its new phase on Sunday June 5th. At this time the moon will lie close to the sun and will be invisible at night. Later in this period, the waxing crescent moon will enter the evening sky but will not interfere with meteor observing.

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