Author: Robert Lunsford

Meteor Activity Outlook for 14-20 May 2016

During this period the moon waxes from half illuminated to nearly full by the end of the period. This weekend the waxing gibbous moon will set during the early morning hours for locations in the mid-northern latitudes. This will allow a few hours of observations under dark skies between moonset and the start of morning twilight. This window of opportunity to view under dark conditions shrinks with each passing night until late in the week when there is interfering moonlight all night long.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 7-13 May 2016

During this period the moon reaches its first quarter phase on Friday May 13th. On that date the moon will be located 90 degrees east of the sun and will set near 0200 local summer time (LST) for most locations in the mid-northern latitudes. This weekend the slender waxing crescent moon will pose no problems for meteor observers. It will set during the late evening hours allowing the more active morning hours to be free of interfering moonlight.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 16-22 April 2016

During this period the moon reaches its full phase on Friday April 22nd. On that date the moon will be located opposite the sun and will remain above the horizon all night long. This weekend the waxing gibbous moon will set during the early morning hours and will allow a few hours of viewing under dark skies between moonset and the start of morning twilight.

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