Author: Robert Lunsford

Meteor Activity Outlook for 22-28 February 2020

During this period the moon reaches its new phase on Sunday February 23rd. At this time the moon will lie near the sun and will be invisible at night. The moon will enter the evening sky later in the week but will not interfere with meteor observing. This is the best time of the month to view meteor activity as the moon will not be a factor at all.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 15-21 February 2020

During this period the moon reaches its last quarter phase on Saturday February 15th. At this time the moon will lie 90 degrees west of the sun and will rise near 01:00 local standard time (LST). These conditions are fine for the slow evening hours when the moon lies below the horizon. The more active morning hours will have interference from the moon but one can still obtain useful data as long you face away from the lunar glare. As the week progresses the waning crescent moon will rise later in the morning, allowing less interference during these more active hours.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 8-14 February 2020

During this period the moon reaches its full phase on Sunday February 9th. At this time the moon will lie opposite the sun and will lie above the horizon all night long. As the week progresses the waning gibbous moon will rise later in the evening, allowing dark skies for a few hours during the early evening hours. Unfortunately this is the worst time to view meteor activity as rates are only 1-2 per hour at best.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 01-07 February 2020

During this period the moon reaches its first quarter phase on Sunday February 2nd. At this time the moon will lie 90 degrees east of the sun and will set between midnight and 01:00 local summer time (LST). As the week progresses the waxing gibbous moon will enter the morning sky, shrinking the window of opportunity to view meteor activity under dark skies.

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