Author: Robert Lunsford

Meteor Activity Outlook for 13-19 June 2020

During this period the moon reaches its last quarter phase on Saturday June 13th. At this time the moon will rise near 02:00 local summer time (LST) and will remain in the sky the remainder of the morning. This will compromise late morning viewing but successful meteor observations can still be attempted if one keeps the moon out of their field of view. As the week progresses the waning crescent moon will rise later each morning, becoming less of a problem with each passing night.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 6-12 June 2020

During this period the moon’s phase wanes from full to nearly half illuminated. As the week progresses the waning gibbous moon will rise later each night, providing a small window of dark skies between dusk and moonrise. Unfortunately, meteor activity during this time of night is low, but this is offset by the opportunity for younger observers to view the dark evening sky prior to bedtime.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 30 May- 5 June 2020

During this period, the moon reaches its first quarter phase on Saturday May 30th. At this time, it is located 90 degrees east of the sun and sets near midnight local standard time. As the week progresses the waxing gibbous moon will start intruding on the morning sky, shrinking the opportunity to view under dark conditions which each passing night. Toward the end of this period moon set and the start of morning twilight will be simultaneous.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for 16-22 May 2020

During this period, the moon reaches its new phase on Friday May 22nd . This weekend the waning crescent moon will rise during the early morning hours and will only present a slight annoyance the remainder of the morning. One can easily obtain useful observations by keeping the moon out of your field of view.

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