Roberto Gorelli points our attention at a recently published meteor related paper:

Triple-frequency meteor radar full wave scattering Measurements and comparison to theory

This article has been submitted for publication to Astronomy & Astrophysics by G. Stober, P. Brown, M. Campbell-Brown, and R. J. Weryk


Abstract: Context. Radar scattering from meteor trails depends on several poorly constrained quantities, such as electron line density, q, initial trail radius, r_0, and ambipolar diffusion coefficient, D.
Aims. The goal is to apply a numerical model of full wave backscatter to triple frequency echo measurements to validate theory and constrain estimates of electron radial distribution, initial trail radius, and the ambipolar diffusion coefficient.
Methods. A selection of 50 transversely polarized and 50 parallel polarized echoes with complete trajectory information were identified from simultaneous tri-frequency echoes recorded by the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR). The amplitude-time profile of each echo was fit to our model using three different choices for the radial electron distribution assuming a Gaussian, parabolicexponential, and 1-by-r^2 electron line density model. The observations were manually fit by varying, q, r_0, and D per model until all three synthetic echo-amplitude profiles at each frequency matched observation.
Results. The Gaussian radial electron distribution was the most successful at fitting echo power profiles, followed by the 1/(r^2). We were unable to fit any echoes using a profile where electron density varied from the trail axis as an exponential-parabolic distribution. While fewer than 5% of all examined echoes had self-consistent fits, the estimates of r_0 and D as a function of height obtained were broadly similar to earlier studies, though with considerable scatter. Most meteor echoes are found to not be described well by the idealized full wave scattering model.

You can download this paper for free: (18 pages).


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