Greetings again all,
    Well, for the absolutely amazing twelfth morning in a row I was able to get for two more lovely hours of Perseid post max observing at Matanzas Inlet!  This stretch of observing nights is by far a personal record for me, unprecedented in my entire 40+ years of meteor watching!  To say I have been blessed would be the understatement of the year!
    This time I was observing by myself, although I found at later, new ACAC friend A. W. was back out at the Inlet also, for more flounder fishing.  The moon set at 0315 EDT and when I arrived about that time, the skies were mostly filled with cirrus clouds.  Undaunted and with the confident swagger of recent successes,  I settled back to watch anyway and lo and behold in less than 15 minutes, the sky was perfectly clear once again!
     Predictably, the PERs had finally begun to wane somewhat off the peak, although they were still producing nicely in the inky black skies.  All told, I pulled in 101 more meteors in the two hours (0325 – 0525 EDT) with 68 of them being PERs.  I was better rested and far more alert this morning than yesterday morning and that helped a lot!
Here’s my data:
Observed for radiants:
ERI – eta Eridanids
ANT – Anthelions
PER – Perseids
SDA: South delta Aquariids
PAU – Piscids Austrinids
NDA: North delta Aquariids
KCG: kappa Cygnids
BPE – beta Perseids
Aug 13/14 2016, Observer: Paul Jones, Location: North Bank of Matanzas Inlet, Florida, Lat: 29.75N, Log: 81.24W (approximately 18 miles south of St. Augustine, Florida). LM: 7.0, Clear,  Facing west (first hour), the east (second hour)
3:25 – 4:25 a.m. EDT ( 0725 – 0825 UT)
36 PER: -1, 0(2), +1(2), +2(8), +3(9), +4(9), +5(5)
3 NDA: +1, +3, +4
3 ERI: +3, +4, +5
1 KCG: +1
9 SPO: +1, +2, +3, +4(3), +5(3)
52 total meteors
4:25 – 5:25 a.m. EDT ( 0825 – 0925 UT)
32 PER: -2, -1(2), 0, +1(3), +2(9), +3(6), +4(8), +5(2)
5 ERI:+2(2), +3(2), +4
1 NDA: +3
10 SPO: +2, +3(2), +4(5), +5(2)
49 total meteors
Of the 68 observed PERs, 14 left visible trains (21%).  As usual, yellow and blue were the most observed PER colors.
     With the exception of the three nice ones in the second hour, overall the PERs were noticeably dimmer this morning with fewer trains.  It was only my better alertness level that allowed me to catch some of the fainter ones.  Gone also was the marvelous PER spurting behavior that had made previous two mornings so memorable.
     Just as I was about to head out, I realized that a familiar truck was parked in the lot.  It was new friend A. W. who was once again flounder fishing in the Inlet.  I met up with him and helped him haul his catch of 8 large flounder to his truck. He told me he would have reached his “bag limit” of ten fish, except that two of them jumped out of his bucket back into the Inlet!  I thought at that point it it’s nice that meteor watchers don’t have to worry about that…;o).
     Dare I should try to go for a thirteenth straight morning of observing tomorrow?  The almost Full Moon is up until 0407 EDT, allowing another full hour and a half of dark skies afterward… to monitor the PER ramp down – hmmm,  that may just indeed be too tempting for me to resist…;o).  More later perhaps…;o)??
Clear skies all, Paul J in North Florida