Greetings again all,
     I managed a three-hour meteor marathon session this morning from the Butler Beach, Florida site.  Unfortunately, the skies were a bit cirrus hazy throughout and transparency was down, so my meteor counts were down also.
     Still, I managed to catch a respectable total of 49 meteors in the 3 hours with a sampling of most of the active radiants showing up.  Only one +1 CAP was seen, but the PERs really kicked in the last hour with 4 of them showing up!
Here’s the data:
Observed for radiants:
CAP – alpha Capricornids
SCA_ sigma Capricornids
JPE – July Pegasids
PPS – pi Piscids
CAN – C Andromedids
ANT – Anthelions
PER – Perseids
July 9/10. 2016, observer: Paul Jones, Location: Butler Beach, Florida (about three miles south of St. Augustine, Beach, Florida), Lat: 29.79 N, Long: 81.26 W., LM: 6.2, 10% cirrus haze, Facing: east
0200 – 0300 EDT (0600 – 0700 UT), Teff: 1.0 hour, No breaks
1 SCA: +3
1 ANT: +21
1 JPE: +3
10 SPO: +1, +2, +3(3). +4(3). +5(2)
13 total meteors
4 of the 13 meteors left trains, the -SCA was yellow.
0300 – 0400 EDT (0700 – 0800 UT), Teff: 1.0 hour, No Breaks
1 JPE: +4
1 CAN: +2
1 CAP: +1
12 SPO: +1 (2), +2(2), +3(4). +4(3), +5
15 total meteors
4 of the 15 meteors left trains, orange tints were noticed in a couple of the brighter SPOs
0400 – 0500 EDT (0800 – 0900 UT), Teff: 1.0 hour, No Breaks
2 JPE: +3, +4
1 SCA: +1
4 PER: +2(2), +3(2)
14 SPO: -1, +1 (2), +2(3), +3(3). +4(4), +5
21 total meteors
8 of the 21 meteors left trains, yellow/orange tints were noticed in a couple of the brighter PERs and bright yellow in the -1 SPO.
Overall, the JPEs and the ANTs were fairly quiet this morning, although most of the JPEs I saw were quite faint, so some may have been missed in the hazy skies.  The SCAs continued to impress me with a couple of nice meteors from that radiant.  The highlight of course, was seeing 4 PERs in that last hour, what a treat!  It’s amazing to me to think that this shower can produce that type of activity a full month before the maximum!  Can’t wait for Aug 12th and 13th!!  Numerous satellites were seen throughout the watch, going in every direction.  I must have seen about as many of them as I did meteors!
I’ll try a couple more pre-dawn watches later this week before the Moon takes over things, I’m keen to watch the PER build up toward the maximum.
More later, clear skies, Paul J in North Florida.