The annual virtual Global Meteor Network meeting 2025 took place on February 8 and 9. The meeting is now available on YouTube!

All meeting recordings on YouTube:

The 2025 GMN meeting of February 8 – 9:


Previous year’s meetings can be viewed here:

The 2024 GMN meeting of February 24 – 25:

The 2023 GMN meeting of February 25 -26:

The 2022 GMN meeting of February 19 -20:

The 2021 GMN meeting of February 20:

The 2025 GMN presentation schedule

Session 1 – 2025 February 8, 16:00 – 21:00 UTC

Invited talks are marked with a star (⭐).

UTC Time Topic
15:45 Optional: Presenters testing their slides with Zoom
16:00 Meeting begins (5 minutes)
16:05 Introductions (10 minutes)
16:15 ⭐Paul Wiegert et al: Searching for interstellar meteors in the GMN database (10 + 2 mins)
16:27 Kokhirova et al.: First light from video cameras for meteor observations in Tajikistan within the GMN (10 + 2 mins)
16:39 ⭐Milanov et al: Age of Geminids Derived from the Statistics of Meteoroid Orbits (10 + 2 mins)
16:51 Break & extended question period (9 minutes) – breakout rooms available
17:00 ⭐Silber et al.: High-resolution optical and infrasonic observations of an earthgrazing fireball (10 + 2 minutes)
17:14 Dario Zubovic: RMS software architecture (10 + 2 mins)
17:26 Šegon et al: Investigating Stellar Photometry with GMN Data (10 + 2 mins)
17:38 Jamie Shepherd: A Trick of the Tail – Correcting for Curvature Effects in Fireball Trajectories (10 + 2 mins)
17:50 Meal Break (35 minutes) – breakout rooms available
18:25 ⭐Kareta et al: A Small Rock over the Great Lakes – 2022 WJ1 (10 + 2 mins)
18:37 Mark McIntyre: Speeding up the GMN Orbit Data Pipeline (10 + 2 mins)
18:49 Dino Gržinić: Empowering GMN’s Research with Convolutional Neural Networks (10 + 2 mins)
19:01 ⭐Cordonnier et al: A Comparison Between Long-Lasting Meteor Trains in Visible and Radio Regimes (10 + 2 mins)
19:13 Break (7 minutes) – breakout rooms available
19:20 ⭐Auriane Egal: The (Un-)Predictable Draconid Meteor Shower Modeling (10 + 2 mins)
19:34 Luc Busquin: Progress in Adapting GMN for Contrail Monitoring (20 + 2 mins)
19:56 Peter Eschman: Review of recent RMS images, and MultiCam on Linux and Pi5 (10 + 2 mins)
20:08 Group photo
20:11 Unstructured Workshop, Q&A

Session 2 – 2025 February 9, 00:00 – 03:00 UTC

UTC Time Topic
23:50 Optional: Presenters testing their slides with Zoom
00:00 Session 2 Begins
00:05 Introductions (10 minutes)
00:15 Denis Vida: Recap of Session 1 (15 minutes)
00:30 Mark McIntyre: More on speeding up the GMN Orbit Data Pipeline (5 + 2 mins)
00:37 Hemmelgarn et al: Classifying Meteors with Machine Learning (10 + 2 minutes)
00:49 Palmer et al: New Zealand’s meteor camera network leads to recovery of the Takapō meteorite (10 + 2 mins)
01:01 Derek Poulton: Nagambie Meteorite Search (10 + 2 mins)
01:13 Break (7 minutes)
01:20 Gene Mroz: What can RMS reveal about light pollution? (10 + 2 mins)
01:35 Alex Liang: Taking meteor imaging to a click of a button (10 + 2 mins)
01:47 Peter Eschman: The New Mexico Meteor Array, 2025 (10 + 2 mins)
01:59 David Rollinson: Automated star picking in SkyFit2 (6 mins, prerecorded)
02:05 Connor Martz: GMN star catalog (9 mins, prerecorded)
02:07 Group photo
02:10 Unstructured Workshop, Q&A