Roberto Gorelli points our attention at a recently published meteor related paper:

Showers with both northern and southern solutions

This article has been submitted for publication by L. Neslušan, T. J. Jopek, R. Rudawska, M. Hajduková and G. Kokhirova.

Abstract: Meteoroids of a low-inclination stream hit the Earth arriving from a direction near the ecliptic. The radiant area of stream like this is often divided into two parts: one is situated northward and the other southward of the ecliptic. In other words, two showers are caused by such a stream. Well-known examples of such showers are the Northern Taurids, #17, and Southern Taurids, #2, or the Northern delta-Aquariids, #26, and Southern delta-Aquariids, #5. While the meteoroids of the northern shower collide with the Earth in the descending node, those of the southern shower collide with our planet in the ascending node of their orbits. Because of this circumstance and tradition, the northern and southern showers must be distinguished. Unfortunately, this is not always the case with meteor showers listed in the IAU Meteor Data Center (MDC). For the same shower, some authors reported a set of its mean parameters corresponding to the northern shower and other authors to the southern shower. We found eleven such cases in the MDC. In this paper, we propose corrections of these mis-identifications.

You can download this paper for free:  (13 pages).


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