I returned to Moosecreek on the following night to observe meteors for another three hours, this time much earlier in the evening, for a much higher Draconids radiant.  The sky transparency was not quite as good as on the previous night.  During this session, I saw 19 meteors, including four South Taurids, three October Camelopardalids, one Draconid and eleven sporadics.  The best meteor was a -1 golden October Camelopardalid that moved across 30 degrees!  The only Draconid that I saw a very faint +5 meteor between Cepheus and Cassiopeia.

October 8/9 2021, 00:23-03:30 UT (20:23-23:30 EDT)
Location: Moosecreek, Ontario, Canada
(Long: -75 deg 02′ 57″ West; Lat: 45 deg 15′ 13″ North)
IMO session: https://www.imo.net/members/imo_vmdb/view?session_id=84002

Observed showers:
Draconids (DRA) – 17:32 (263) +56
Southern Taurids (STA) – 01:54 (02) +07
Orionids (ORI) – 05:29 (082) +14
epsilon Geminids (EGE) – 05:51 (088) +30
October Camelopardalids (OCT) – 11:09 (167) +79

00:23-01:24 UT (20:23-21:24 EDT); 1.5/5 trans; F 1.00; LM 6.08; facing N60 deg; teff 1.00 hr
OCT: two: +3; +4
Sporadics: three: +2(2); +3
Total meteors: Five

01:24-02:24 UT (21:24-22:24 EDT); 2/5 trans; F 1.00; LM 6.25; facing N60 deg; teff 1.00 hr
OCT: one: -1
STA: one: +2
Sporadics: two: +1; +5
Total meteors: Four

02:24-03:30 UT (22:24-23:30 EDT); 1.5/5 trans; F 1.00; LM 6.13; facing N60 deg; teff 1.10 hr
STA: three: +1; +2; +4
DRA: one: +5
Sporadics: six: +2(2); +3(2) +4; +5
Total meteors: Ten

Total meteors for this session: 19

Clear skies,

Pierre Martin
Ottawa, Ontario