A few nights later, I returned to Bootland Farm for a two hour meteor watch (from about midnight to 2am EDT local time).  The sky conditions were much better than the previous session, with 3/5 transparency, and a quite nice summer Milky Way!  The limiting magnitude was 6.48 in the first hour, but dropped to 6.31 when the crescent moon rose after 1am.  There was a nice light breeze, no bugs and no dew – a really pleasant night to be out!  Shortly after I arrived at the site, and while setting up, I saw a probable alpha Capricornid that crawled in Aquarius.

I saw 30 meteors (8 Southern delta Aquariids, 7 Perseids, 4 kappa Cygnids, 3 alpha Capricornids, one anthelion and 7 sporadics).  The swift Perseids coming in from the north-east would contrast nicely the slower Aquariids and Capricornids coming from the south.  And the Kappa Cygnids were active.  The brightest meteor was a -3 alpha Capricornid seen at 1:46am that was yellow, and travelled 20 degrees before fragmenting in Perseus.  Nice!

August 2/3 2021, 04:10-06:12 UT (00:10-02:12 EDT)
Location: Bootland Farm, Ontario, Canada
(Long: -76 deg 29’ West; Lat: 45 deg 23′ North)
IMO session: https://www.imo.net/members/imo_vmdb/view?session_id=82762

Observed showers:
kappa Cygnids (KCG) – 18:38 (280) +43
alpha Capricornids (CAP) – 20:28 (307) -09
Anthelion (ANT) – 21:24 (321) -16
Northern delta Aquariids (NDA) – 22:30 (337) -03
Southern delta Aquariids (SDA) – 22:45 (341) -16
Piscids Austrinids (PAU) – 23:14 (349) -22
July Pegasids (JPE) – 00:21 (005) +17
Perseids (PER) – 02:12 (033) +55
eta Eridanids (ERI) – 02:27 (037) -15

04:10-05:10 UT (00:10-01:10 EDT); 4/5 trans; F 1.00; LM 6.48; facing S50 deg; teff 1.00 hr
SDA: six: +2; +3(2); +4(2); +5
PER: five: -1; +1; +2; +5(2)
KCG: one: +4
CAP: one: +5
Sporadics: four: 0(2); +4; +5
Total meteors: Seventeen

05:10-06:12 UT (01:10-02:12 EDT); 4/5 trans; F 1.00; LM 6.31; facing S50 deg; teff 1.03 hr
KCG: three: +3(2); +4
PER: two: 0; +3
CAP: two: -3; +3
SDA: two: +3(2)
ANT: one: +5
Sporadics: three: +4(2); +5
Total meteors: Thirteen

Total meteors for this session: 30