The stretch of clear nights over eastern Ontario continued!  Here’s my results for the morning of August 9.  I observed for three hours at the Bootland Farm site until morning twilight.  The sky was clear but very hazy and humid, and there was a enormous amount of dew.  There was ground fog from rain earlier in the evening but a breeze kept it from becoming too thick, so the sky remained decent (LM=6.3).  A bigger concern I had was the distant thunderstorms to the south, south-east, north and west.  I felt that I was surrounded by flashes of lightning!  My main concern was the storm cell to the west and north, and if it would be coming my way.  I took a few breaks to keep an eye on the radar and satellite images. Fortunately, the storm passed to the north and caused just a few residual clouds during the last hour of observing.

In those three hours, I saw 69 meteors (31 Perseids, 9 Southern Delta Aquariids, 3 kappa Cygnids, 3 Northern delta Aquariids, 3 eta Eridanids, 2 anthelions and 18 sporadics).

The Perseids were now the main source of meteor activity, with hourly rates up to the mid teens during the last hour.  The SDAs continued to produce decent numbers.  The sporadics rates started off well, then dipped during the second hour, but recovered in the third.

The +1 eta Eridanid (ERI) at 1:48am was very impressive! It shot 40 degrees through Pegasus, with a vivid orange/blue colour and a 3 sec train. Less than half an hour later, another nice ERI appeared, this time a mag 0, yellow in Cetus, with a 2 sec train.

Observation August 8/9 2019, 05:15-08:26 UT (01:15-04:26 EDT)
Location: Bootland Farm (Stewartville), Ontario, Canada
(45°23’N 76°29’W)

Observed showers:
kappa Cygnids (KCG) – 18:40 (280) +45
alpha Capricornids (CAP) – 20:38 (309) -08
Anthelion (ANT) – 21:36 (324) -14
Northern delta Aquariids (NDA) – 22:33 (338) -02
Southern Delta Aquariids (SDA) – 23:01 (345) -15
Piscids Austrinids (PAU) – 23:10 (349) -22
Perseids (PER) – 02:20 (035) +55
eta Eridanids (ERI) – 02:32 (038) -14
49 Andromedids (FAN) – 02:41 (040) +53

05:15-06:20 UT (01:15-02:20 EDT); 10-20% cirrus clouds; 2/5 trans; F 1.03; LM 6.25; facing SSE60 deg; teff 1.00 hr
PER: seven: 0; +2(2); +3; +4(2); +5
KCG: two: +3; +5
ERI: two: 0; +1
SDA: one: +5
ANT: one: +5
NDA: one: +3
Sporadics: eight: +2(3); +3(3); +4(2)
Total meteors: Twenty-two

06:20-07:22 UT (02:20-03:22 EDT); clear; 2/5 trans; F 1.00; LM 6.33; facing SSE60 deg; teff 1.00 hr
PER: ten: +1; +2(4); +3; +4(2); +5(2)
SDA: five: +2; +3(3); +4
ANT: one: +3
NDA: one: +3
Sporadics: two: +1; +4
Total meteors: Nineteen

07:22-08:26 UT (03:22-04:26 EDT); 10-20% cirrus clouds; 2/5 trans; F 1.07; LM 6.29; facing SSE60 deg; teff 1.04 hr
PER: fourteen: +1(4); +2(3); +3(5); +4; +5
SDA: three: +1; +4; +5
KCG: one: +4
NDA: one: +5
ERI: one: +2
Sporadics: eight: 0; +2(2); +3(2); +4(2); +5
Total meteors: Twenty-eight