A summary report is presented covering the Quadrantid activity on 3 and 4 January 2019 as observed by radio at 49.99 MHz from Kampenhout, Belgium.
This year, the Quadrantids again produced a great show, with here at Kampenhout (BE) a maximum of more than 230 counted reflections per hour around 05:00 h UT on January 4th.
Figures 1, 2 and 3 show the hourly totals of “all” reflections counted automatically, and of manually counted “overdense reflections” and “overdense reflections longer than 10 seconds” on the frequency of our VVS-beacon near Ieper (49.99 MHz), from 3 Jan 2019 00:00 UT till 5 Jan 2019 00:00 UT.
The shown hourly totals are weighted averages derived from:
N(h) = n(h-1)/4 + n(h)/2 + n(h+1)/4
The graphs also show for comparison the hourly activity for the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. It seems that this year’s activity resembles strongly that of 2016, but with less overdense reflections.
For reference the hourly elevation of the Quadrantids’ radiant here at Kampenhout is shown as well (Figure 4).
If you are interested in the actual figures, please send me an e-mail: felix.verbelen at skynet.be. I’ll send you the underlying excel file.

Figure 1 – Weighted averages of all reflections on 49.99 MHz during the Quadrantids 3 to 4 January 2019.

Figure 2 – Weighted averages of overdense reflections on 49.99 MHz during the Quadrantids 3 to 4 January 2019.

Figure 3 – Weighted averages of overdense reflections longer than 10 seconds on 49.99 MHz during the Quadrantids 3 to 4 January 2019.

Figure 4 – Elevation of the Quadrantid radiant at Kampenhout (BE), 4.59° East and 50.95° North, for 3-4 January 2019.

Figure 5 – A 5-minutes SpecLab picture obtained in Kampenhout (BE) during a rich display with hundreds of radio reflections on the frequency of our VVS-radio beacon (49.99 MHz).

Figure 6 – A 5-minutes SpecLab picture obtained in Kampenhout (BE) during a rich display with hundreds of radio reflections on the frequency of our VVS-radio beacon (49.99 MHz).

Figure 7 – A 5-minutes SpecLab picture obtained in Kampenhout (BE) during a rich display with hundreds of radio reflections on the frequency of our VVS-radio beacon (49.99 MHz).

Figure 8 – A 5-minutes SpecLab picture obtained in Kampenhout (BE) during a rich display with hundreds of radio reflections on the frequency of our VVS-radio beacon (49.99 MHz).