A summary report is presented of the Perseids registrations with video cameras by the author.
1 Introduction
This year we can conclude we have a positive balance for the Perseids of August 2018. The Moon almost to the New Moon phase has guaranteed a series of perfectly dark nights, although unfortunately here in the plain of northern Italy the level of humidity has always been considerable being a disadvantage for the transparency.
2 The observational data
My three cameras have filmed 4015 meteor trails, of which 2181 associated with the radiant area of the Perseids in the night hours from 1 to 18 August, except on the night of August 14/15, thanks to the fact that the sky was for mostly always cloudless. The night of the maximum (12/13 August) was successful with as many as 976 meteors, 793 of which Perseids.

The preliminary graph shows for each cam the evolution of the average daily hourly frequency, corrected to the zenith for my position and for an optimal limiting magnitude.
This year Perseids probably showed a higher than usual population index, with few bright events and in general a fairly contained average magnitude.