Radio Meteor Observations in the World: Monthly Reports for June and July 2017 by The International Project for Radio Meteor Observation(IPRMO).
From this report, it is not only Japanese stations but also Europe, North America and South America.
June, 2017
Following three graphs shows monitoring results in three area that are Europe at 10 observing stations, North America at four stations and Japan at eight stations. For the first and middle ten days, all areas observed high activity. It seems this was the activity of daytime meteor shower. Although some high activity levels which were above the usual level (0.0±0.4) except for the period of daytime shower actvitiy, some uncertain wheather occurred and some meteor activity may be due to observing errors.

Figure 1 – Monitored result for June 2017 in European Area.

Figure 2 – Monitored result for June 2017 in North American Area.

Figure 3 – Monitored result for June 2017 in Japan.
July, 2017
Following four graphs shows monitoring results in four areas that are Europe at 15 observing stations, North America at six stations, South America at three stations and Japan at eight stations.
The last ten days, high activity was observed cleary in North, South America and Japan. It seems this activity was delta-Aquariids. As a reason of lower activity level in Europe, observing stations in Europe are higher latitude. Therefore, radiant elevation is lower than other areas. These graphs are not considered radiant elevation.
In the area of North America, the small clear activity was observed around 11th-12th. Although the activity level index was not over usual level in Japan, some observing stations caught same results. I do not know what activity it was.
The reason of wide error-bars in South America, it is not enough the number of observing stations.

Figure 4 – Monitored result for July 2017 in European Area.

Figure 5 – Monitored result for July 2017 in North American Area.

Figure 6 – Monitored result for July 2017 in South American Area.

Figure 7 – Monitored result for July 2017 in Japan.
— Radio Meteor Observing Bulletin (RMOB)
— Radio Meteor Observation in Japan (RMOJ)
— all radio meteor observers