Radio Meteor Observations in the World: Monthly Reports in April 2017 by The International Project for Radio Meteor Observation.

April Lyrids 2017

Although one of major meteor showers “April Lyrids” was present around 22nd/23rd April, there was no clear meteor activity in this year. Figure 1 was provided by 26 observing stations in nine countries.

April Lyrids 2017

Figure 1 – April Lyrids 2017 using data at 26 observing stations in nine countries.

April, 2017

The following graph displays the monitored result (using ONLY Japanese stations) in April. In Japan, there was also no unusual activity.

Monitored result for April 2017 (only Japan)

Figure 2 – Monitored result for April (only Japan).


Radio Meteor Observing Bulletin (RMOB)
Radio Meteor Observation in Japan (RMOJ)
— all radio meteor observer