Radio Meteor Observations in the World: Monthly Report for January 2017 by The International Project for Radio Meteor Observation.
Quadrantids 2017
One of the major meteor showers, the Quadrantids occurred in this month. The activity level was the same as other years, although it was weaker than in 2016. The maximum activity level was 4.0 at around 15:30(UT) on January 3rd (solar longitude 282°.2). Its FWHM was -9.0hours / +5.0hours.

Figure 1 – using 26 observing stations in 11 countries.
You can see the detailed information on the page “Result for the Quadrantids 2017“.
In addition, Mr.Hirofumi Sugimoto converted from the Activity Level index to the visual ZHR. (
Beside this, the following graph displays the monitored result (using ONLY Japanese stations) in January 2017.

Figure 2 – Monitored result for January (only Japan).
A distinct Quadrantid activity was observed between 1st and 5th of January. There was no unusual activity except for the Quadrantids period. The transmitting station was under machine failure between 22nd and 25th.
— Radio Meteor Observing Bulletin (RMOB)
— Radio Meteor Observation in Japan (RMOJ)
— all radio meteor observer