This report was provided by The International Project for Radio Meteor Observation.
In October 2016, three topics were presented.
October Camelopardalids
The possible activity of the October Camelopardalids was predicted by some researchers. One of them, Mikiya Sato, predicted this activity at 14:49(UT) on 5th October (λo 192°.564). As a result, worldwide radio meteor observers caught a small distinct activity. This activity was a very narrow profile with FWHM=1.5 hours. The activity graph is as follows. The peak time was 14:00-15:00(UT) on 5th October (λo=192°.551). The peak activity level was 0.72 ± 0.38.

Figure 1 – using 22 observing staions in nine countries.
The estimated activity profile using the Lorentz Profile had a 0.7 activity level peak at 14:30(UT) on 5th October(λo 192°.551). The FWHM was -1.0 / + 0.5 (hours). This increased activity was observed at almost all observing stations. Mr. Hirofumi Sugimoto in Japan has calculated the estimated visual ZHR using this activity level. It is possible to check this on his website:
October Draconids
The next topic were the October Draconids. This shower displayed high activity in 2011 and 2012. After that, there was no unusual activity in 2013-2015. No outburst was predicted for 2016.
As a result, worldwide radio meteor observers confirmed that there was no unusual activity. The activity graph is as follows. The detailed result has also been presented at October Draconids 2016

Figure 2 – using 22 observing stations in nine countries.
The last topic were the Orionids. In 2006 and 2007, higher Orionid activity was observed worldwide. In recent years, however, there was no distinct higher activity.
As a result in 2016, worldwide radio meteor observers confirmed that there was no unusual activity although a small increase was observed. The activity graph is as follows. The detailed results have also been shown at the Orionids 2016 page. The estimated activity profile had 0.3 activity level peak at around 0h(UT) on 22nd October(λo 208°.81). An activity level of 0.3 means the usual activity level comparable to the non-meteor shower activity.

Figure 3 – using 21 observing stations in nine countries.
With Radio Meteor Observing it is difficult to register the detailed Orionid activity structure because of the geocentric velocity of Orionids being too fast. It is therefore difficult to obtain a clear activity profile in the case of a visual ZHR less than 30 (like in the case of the Orionids).
Mr.Hirofumi Sugimoto in Japan has calculated the estimated visual ZHR using this activity level. It is possible to check on his website:
Beside these topics, the following graph displays the monitored result (using ONLY Japanese staions) in October 2016.

Figure 4 – Monitored result for October (only Japan).
Around the 17th – 18th, the activity levels showed a high activity. This result was also shown across the world. It was uncertain, although there is a possibility of an unpredicted activity. There is, of course, also a possibility for some observing error.
— Radio Meteor Observing Bulletin (RMOB)
— Radio Meteor Observation in Japan (RMOJ)
— all radio meteor observers