The weather in september was very favourable for CAMS.

Most stations could collect data with their systems for at least 29 nights.

As a result, a total of 3982 orbits could be collected, among these several streams from the IAU meteor database (table 1).


CAMS BeNeLux data IAU meteor database

#       Vg      i         ω                 Vg      i                 ω

206    AUR    11      67,1   150,2 113,5

208    SPE    77      64      139,2 245,3          64,5   138,9 241,9

210    BAU    11      65,2   142,8 197,7           66,5

216    SPI     34      28,2   6,8     132,3           27      6,9             127,3

219    SAR    20      36,2   16,4   321,2           36,5   18,9             324,9

416    SIC    10      52,1   94,8   215,2           50

424    SOL    5

430    POR    10      67,8   153,4 47,6            68      154,1           46,3

479    SOO   8        66,4   157,4  57,9             67,6   159,9           57,6

76      KAQ   5

81      SLY    11      60,3   117,4 120,3           61


On September 24th at 19:19 UT the 50 000 orbit since the start of our network in march 2012, was confirmed.

Last year CAMS detected activity from Cygnus. We looked at the data whether this stream (757) CCY showed activity again.

Figure 1 shows all radiantpositions in the period of (757) CCY – activity last year from a broad region around the theoretical CCY-radiant with orbital elements corresponding to the theoretical elements of this CCY-stream.

It seems that activity from this stream was not substantial this year.