A clear night for the Perseids maximum with the typical climate of our low-lands Belgium and the Netherlands is a matter of luck that happens perhaps once every 10 years. The summer 2016 so far brought more clouds , rain and floading than any other year. Since mid of May the CAMS@BeNeLux net work counted less clear nights than previous years.
While the exceptional activity caused by some dust trails crossed by Earth 11-12 August were missed due to solid cloud, all hope was on 12-13 August for the traditional Perseid maximum expected. Clear sky from evening till morning without a single cloud: I hadn’t seen this past few months.
With my 4 cameras I confirmed 686 detections as meteors in 7.33 hours of capture time:

Perseids plot from CAMS video meteors 12-13 August 22h-02h UT

Two Perseids on a single frame bright star is Beta UMi

Bright Perseid under UMi

Peculiar shaped Perseid

Two Perseids in a single frame east of Auriga (bright star is Capella).

Perseid in Pegasus at the start of the session
Of these 686, for the period 22h till 02h Ut I got the following single station radiant association: 3 SDA, 2 Cap, 4 SIA, 1 NDA, 6 KCG and 2 NIA.
As for Perseids I list them per hour
22h – 23h 48 Pers
23h – 00h 67 Pers
00h – 01h 86 Pers
01h – 02h 75 Pers