Today the conference started with  two sessions in the morning covering as many as 13 lectures. For an overview of the topics I refer to the online program:


Denis Vida during his lecture

At noon all participants got a lunch packet for the excursion. The 2016 IMC excursion brought us to The harbour of Den Helder where we all boarded on a large fishing boat to fish for shrimps. As it was a very sunny day the organizers had plenty of sun scream for anyone who had not foreseen these circumstances.While we could watch the fishing techniques for these shrimps, there was plenty of time for socializing. Once the first catch was taken on board, the fishes, crabs, etc were seperated from the shrimps, the shrimps were cooked and a little bit later everyone could eat the shrimps as fresh as nobody had eaten them before.

Boarding the fishing boat for the IMC excursion

We returned a bit sooner from the excursion than expected and everyone enjoyed the extra time for some more socializing.

After dinner there were some more late evening options with more detailed presentations and a workshop. The official program ended with the announcement of the winners of the awards for the best poster and the best meteor photo.

Traditionally the last night of the IMC is very entertaining, with guitar play and a lot of singing, the 2016 IMC continued this tradition.