-10 Fireball observed on 2016 March 25 at 23h00m45s UT

Heatmap Fireball report form -10 Fireball observed on 2016 March 25 at 23h00m45s UT


A bright fireball was recorded by Klaas Jobse in Oostkappele, Netherlands, on 25 March 2016 at 23h00m45s UT. This fireball was also captured by 3 FRIPON stations at Lille, Arras and Cappelle la Grande in the North of France.   At this moment 37 reports have been registered with the Fireball report form. Klaas Jobse has a short video of the event online:

Fireball 25 March 2016 at 23h00m45s UT captured at Wilderen, Belgium (EN92) by Jean-Marie Biets

Fireball 25 March 2016 at 23h00m45s UT captured at Wilderen, Belgium (EN92) by Jean-Marie Biets. The fireball moved slow and took 3 seconds before disappearing at the edge of the shutter device.

Fireball recorded by Dominique André at Rueil-Malmaison near Paris in France.

The fireball was recorded by Dominique André at Rueil-Malmaison near Paris in France.


More information as soon as available.